壹、 重要行事
一、 國中升學
1. 本週發放變更學區校內調查表。
2. 3/30-4/10辦理第二次模擬志願選填。
3. 3/30(一)12時前為直升報到日;報到後放棄日為3/31(二)12:00。
二、 高中升學
1. 個人申請防疫應變專區網址https://www.cac.edu.tw/apply109/covid_19_area.php
2. 3/23-24進行大學個人申請報名,3/31(二)一階公告結果。
3. 3/23-26進行科大申請入學報名,4/01(三)一階公告結果。
一、 G9班級於3/31(二)-4/1(三)為本學期第一次模擬考,請各位同學們把握週末時間,祝考試順利。
*由於冠狀病毒的持續爆發,夏令營將嚴格遵循台灣CDC防疫政策。 由於我們的首要考量是TAS / H2H和Junyi學生的健康,因此活動主辦單位取消夏令營的權利保留在必要時。 我們會隨時向您通報這方面的任何進展。
Dear all,
Junyi and Taipei American School are running an English Summer Camp.
In this summer camp, we are not looking for answers and results immediately, and we hope you make more friends and create a great learning experience together! Our curriculum team has fantastic classes and activities for you! We believe that through this process, you will strengthen your social and communication skills, have a better understanding of English, and increase your self-confidence. If you want to participate in this summer camp, please sign up by April 6. If you have any questions please feel free to ask Ms. Dora.
More information about TAS/Junyi Camp
Camp Date: 7/26-8/2
Location: Junyi
Fee: Free
Due to the continuing coronavirus outbreak, the H2H Junyi Summer Camp will closely follow the Taiwan CDC Epidemic Prevention Policy.
As our first priority remains the health of our TAS/H2H and Junyi campers, the organisers reserve the right to cancel the Summer Camp at short notice if this becomes necessary. We will keep you informed of any developments in this regard.
貳、 疫情防疫
一、 因應近日返台國人增加,健康中心提供居家隔離/居家檢疫及同住家人注意事項衛教宣導文宣供家長們參考,。防疫期間請提醒孩子們於注意個衛生、勤洗手、於長時間及密閉空間請配戴口罩(自備口罩)。