


When living in a large community, rules are put in place to make sure everyone can live comfortably and feel respected. The following are important schedule to know regarding your everyday life in the dorms.

Weekday Schedule 平日作息

6:30 am-- Wake up 起床
6:50-7:20 Breakfast早餐
8:15----- Dorms Close 宿舍關閉
5:30 pm Dorms Open 宿舍開放
6:00 Dinner (mandatory) at Dinner Hall 晚餐
6:30-6:50 Dining Hall Cleaning Time
6:50-8:00 Study and Review time at Study Hall 功課預習複習時間
8:00-8:30 Sign up Communication book 聯絡簿簽名時間
8:30-9:00 Free time (shower/cleaning) 自由時間 (盥洗/打掃)
9:00-9:10 Boarders and Dorm Parents Meeting time / English Conversation宿舍樓長集合時間/英語對話時間
9:10-9:30 Phone Calls / Snacks Time手機與消夜時間
9:30-10:00 Quiet Free Time (shower/cleaning) 安靜自由時間 (盥洗/打掃)
10:00 Extra Study at Study Hall – Room lights out課業輔導時間 - 房間熄燈
10:45 Dorm Chores must be completed 完成宿舍工作
11:00 All boarders must be in their rooms and quiet – Dorm Lights Out所有住宿生就寢 –宿舍熄燈

For evening English Activities the English Department will be active in the following areas: 每週三夜間英文課程、活動,分以下兩部分進行
1. Drama Class - 戲劇課程 週三 Wednesday evening
2. Dormitory English Activities – 宿舍英文活動 週三 Wednesday evening

Weekend Schedule 假日作息

6:00 pm Dinner 晚餐
11:00 Curfew – All boarders must be in their dorm – Lights out所有留宿生就寢 –宿舍熄燈

8:30 am Brunch 早餐
12:00 Lunch 午餐
6:00 pm Dinner 晚餐
11:00 Curfew – All boarders must be in their dorm – Lights out所有留宿生就寢 –宿舍熄燈

8:30 am Brunch 早餐
12:00 Lunch 午餐
6:00 pm Dinner 晚餐
6:30-8:30 Study Hall 自習時間
6:30-9:00 Boarders away from the weekend pick up 接返校住宿生
9:00-10:00 Quiet Free Time 安靜自由時間
10:00 All boarders must be in their dorm – Room Lights out 所有住宿生返回宿舍 – 房間熄燈
10:20 Dorm Chores must be completed完成宿舍工作
10:30 All boarders must be in their rooms and quiet – Dorm Lights out 所有住宿生就寢 – 宿舍熄燈