1. HyRead嗨讀校園文化季活動(HyRead School Cultural Activity)
If you borrow the assiging books during the activity on Junyi HyRead E-books, you have the raffle chance.
Write down recommend words, tag 2 friends, and screenshot and share and post in public on your private Facebook or Instagramit by fill the
information form. You still have the raffle chance.
2.臺東縣文化處圖書館英語圖書巡迴書展(Taitung Cultural Department Library English Books Tour Book Fair)
(1)展期時間:10/2(一)~10/31(二) Time: Mon. Oct. 2nd to Tue. Oct 31st
(2)展示地點:均一圖書館Location: Junyi Library
Borrowing Process: Fill the form and sign your name. Return books before the end of the Book Fair
※歡迎校內師生於書展期間可到圖書館借閱或課堂中使用, 如有遺失或損毀需照價賠償
Welcome all of you to borrow books and reading at your class, If losing and damaging books, you have to compensate for the price.