在此通知本校將針對中學部8-12年級學生辦理PSAT 8/9 & 10測驗。先前均已通知學生,在此也同步通知家長此一訊息。PSAT/SAT測驗乃是CollegeBoard作為申請北美大學入學測驗之用,主要是針對學生的英語閱讀、寫作和數學能力進行評量。此外,本測驗結果提供學生實用性極高的參考資訊,以便其能了解自己現階段的學習狀況,針對不足之處加以精進。若孩子未來考慮出國讀書或針對國內大學具備相當英文能力為目標,這將會是個很好的機會。本校將於2022年4月22日舉辦PSAT測驗,孩子們無須舟車勞頓便可輕鬆在校參加此一國際型測驗。所需費用為新台幣1100元整。報名截止日為1月5日星期三下午4:00。若需獲得更詳細的資訊,請洽詢國際部吳瑞龍 老師 (turtlejack.wu@junyi.tw) 。
國際部 在此 祝您 2022年闔家安康!
副校長 Anthony Cluver
Dear Parents
I would like to inform you that the school is offering students from Grade 8 to Grade 12 the opportunity to take the PSAT 8/9 or PSAT 10 exams. We have notified students already but I thought it would be useful to reach out to you about this as well.
The PSAT/SAT exams are part of the CollegeBoard exam suite that assess students readiness for North American college study. The PSAT and SAT examine English Reading, English Writing and Math. In addition, the exam provides extremely useful feedback for students to see in which areas they are performing well and where they need to focus their efforts more closely. If your child is considering overseas study or is aiming at high English proficiency for Taiwan college applications, then this would be a good opportunity.
The PSAT exams will be held at Junyi on 22 April 2022. This is convenient for our students as they don’t need to travel to take this external exam. The cost to take the exam is 1100 NTD.
Registration closes on Wednesday 5 January at 16:00.Students should speak to Mr Xavier Wu (turtlejack.wu@junyi.tw) for further information.
Best Wishes for a Happy 2022 from the International Department!
Anthony Cluver